Mon, Sep 30 2019, 11:00 AM AEDT
How to Run Your First WebinarFor Marketers, webinars can be incredibly effective. They can also be a huge waste of time and money if not done properly or consistently. How do you ensure that your 1st webinar is a big success? Join Redback Connect's Fiona McEachran Head of Marketing and Chris McKeown Head of Sales as they share the formula used by Redback's customers to maximise webinar results. Discussing: 1. Goals and Planning 2. Content 3. Promotions
Tue, Jun 12 2018, 11:00 AM AEDT
Is this relationship worth saving?Presenters: Cassandra Phu, Michael Harris, Miranda Walker and Michael Bunker Have you started your digital event program, yet haven’t got the results you’re after? Are you struggling with the tasks of implementing your digital events yet haven’t considered the overall strategy? Ever compared this to your dysfunctional relationship? For the first time ever, Redback is giving you complete access to our specialists that have connected over 5 million users across Australia. They’ve fuelled success for a huge range of clientele and want to help you out as well!
Fri, Sep 22 2017, 11:00 AM AEDT
Live Participant Engagement Scoring – Exclusive to RedbackPresenters: Michael Bunker and Kiran Jassi. Webinars – we’ve now got the hang of them, we’re starting to see results and our programs are planned and ready to go. However, there’s always that one word in the back our minds – engagement! But what does engaging even mean? And how are we supposed to measure it?
Wed, Oct 20 2021, 14:00 PM AEDT
Live Q&A - All you need to know about Studio WebinarsHow do they work? What are the benefits? How do I manage my speakers? Join us for a live Q&A where we answer all your questions about Studio Events. If you’ve ever wondered about it, we’re here to answer it!
Thu, Dec 6 2018, 11:00 AM AEDT
Make 2019 Rock: Tips for Planning Your Digital Event ProgramsWe’ll walk you through the top tips for planning your Digital Event programs with best practices to that is sure to impress and drive results. • Planning Tips – including how to source and arrange your presenters • Preparing Your Digital Event Programs • Email Marketing – when should you promote and how can you gain maximum registration and attendance? • Post Event Dilemma – What happens next? Uncover tips on getting the most from what you put in
Wed, Oct 21 2020, 11:00 AM AEDT
Marketing Masterclass - How to promote your webinars and gain maximum ROIWe’ve all been there - we kick off a webinar, then get to the end and forget why we even ran it in the first place. With webinars now taking the front seat of many marketing strategies, it’s important that you not only promote your series right, but loop-back and measure your return on investment. In this masterclass we will go beyond vanity metrics and attendance - we will dive into promotional channels that work and strategies to make your overall webinar program and raving success. If you’re looking to go back to your board with some metrics that matter, you must join this session! Topics include: Starting with the end in mind - planning your series The most effective channels and how to use them Tracking and measuring - how to track all channels effectively Reporting and data - what matters most and what should you focus on?
Fri, Mar 6 2020, 11:00 AM AEDT
Movers and Shakers – Lessons from Female EntrepreneursFrom starting up and scaling up to experiencing rapid growth – these ladies know what it takes to get the job done. Join us for this special International Woman’s Day panel discussion where we uncover the secrets to their success and their top tips for enhancing brand, increasing revenues and smashing profits. In this live studio broadcast we will discuss their tips on: People: How to get the right people on the bus – and keep them there Strategy: The importance of knowing where your heading and starting with a vision Execution: What processes of worked for them and how to keep the fire burning Cash: How healthy is your business and how can you keep it that way?
Fri, Apr 24 2020, 15:00 PM AEDT
Navigating the online environment – tips for remote meetings and eventsYou’ve no doubt been invited to an abundance of webinars covering all things COVID-19 related. Well, this is quite similar - but there’s one difference. Since the beginning of March we have been working with organisations to help them connect and collaborate via online tools – everything from daily meetings with staff to taking entire conferences online. Through it all, we have learnt so much and have discovered new ways to engage employees and communicate with members and customers. So grab your afternoon tea (or wine) and join us as we cut through the jargon and provide you with essential advice.
Tue, Jul 10 2018, 11:00 AM AEDT
Personal and Professional Brand. Is there a difference?Presenter: Melita Valcich - How your personal brand is affecting your career progression. Is it really fair to be overlooked because of what you did years ago? Understanding that branding is more than just your logo. How to utilise your brand to grow your business, retain your customers and motivate your employees.
Tue, Feb 27 2018, 11:00 AM AEDT
Social Selling: Believe the Hype!Presenters: Michael Bunker and Rahul Kumar. Why do people in business struggle? How can you ensure you're successful in your chosen field? In this webcast we uncover the 10 keys required to be successful in business. Join to discover your strengths, uncover what's holding you back and make this year your best yet!