Sara Drury

Wed, May 19 2021, 14:00 PM AEDT

Webinars & Wine Episode 8 - Speakers and Presenters
We all know that your speakers can make or break your online events – the research tells us and we’ve all been there!
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Michael Bunker

Wed, Sep 29 2021, 14:00 PM AEDT

What COVID has taught us about Virtual Events
In a post-COVID climate, we are now all more familiar with how to plan, execute and report on our programs, but what has the past 18 months taught us? In this webinar the team at Redback Connect will share lessons learnt and mistakes made
Points | N/A

Wed, Oct 20 2021, 14:00 PM AEDT

Live Q&A - All you need to know about Studio Webinars
How do they work? What are the benefits? How do I manage my speakers? Join us for a live Q&A where we answer all your questions about Studio Events. If you’ve ever wondered about it, we’re here to answer it!
Points | N/A